Inevitably the question of automobile insurance coverage comes up when we are arranging to have someone’s auto transported. Most people are mistaken in believing that since they have car insurance that it automatically covers the transportation of their vehicle. That may not be the case, and we urge you to check your own coverage policy to find out what is covered and what is not.
The second mistaken impression that people have is in believing that the auto transport company has insurance and so there is no worry about their vehicle.
Yes and no! Yes, all reputable auto transport companies are required to carry insurance; that requirement comes from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. However, the law requires that carriers carry minimal insurance. The key word is ‘minimal.”
Make sure you read the contract carefully before signing on with a carrier. If their insurance, or your own insurance, do not cover all damage to your vehicle, then make sure you purchase additional insurance before transporting your vehicle.
We at Pro Sports Auto Transport can help you with any questions you might have about auto transport, and we can make the arrangements necessary to make sure that the transportation of your vehicle is a pleasant experience.